Friday, July 15, 2011

Making a difference through music...

War, revolutions, strikes, floods and executions are part and parcel in today's world, in the 19th century there was even more history being made and in Europe pianist Franz Liszt was a part of it. As the most famous living Hungarian, Liszt was in a unique position to live the life of an artist a new way, reflecting his hectic times with his music and also having the power to do something to somehow change and improve things.

On the Piano this Sunday Franz Liszt, Politics & Music. This program starts with the 18 year old pianist witnessing the bloodshed in the 1830 revolution in Paris, then his growth as a person and his stance during the disastrous Hungarian revolt of 1848. Then there is Liszt's nationalism and how it made its way to European concert halls and to end the story, his views on the tumultuous times in which he lived and his opinions of the future of mankind culminating with his last memorials for the Heroes of Hungary.

Liszt and Politics, hear it this Sunday afternoon at 5 on KPAC & KTXI.

host, Randy Anderson

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